SQL5005C The operation failed : DB2 Error

"SQL5005C The operation failed because the database manager failed to access either the database manager configuration file or the database configuration file." At windows machine system startup error DK®

The problem is that the user id that is logged into the windows  system does not have the  required permission to run the database utility db2systray.exe. DK®

Normally this error occurs, If we have installed the DB2 server using administrator user and accessing DB2 client using any other windows user account.

Error Screenshot :DK®

To Fix this Error Perform Below Mentioned Steps :

1. Log in to the machine as system administrator or open command line with “Run Administrator

2. Remove the db2systray by performing the following steps:

. Click on  Windows Start Menu Item
Start --> All Programs --> IBM DB2 --> Command Window Administrator
Start ->All Programs ->IBM DB2->Command Line Tools --> Command Window Administrator

B.  Type following command and Run -> db2systray -clean

3. Log off and log in to the machine with any windows user account.

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