Datastage Expired user id Log in into DS but not in Unix

Datastage Expired user id be able to log in to the DataStage server but not to the UNIX system :

This post will help you to understand. The DataStage userid is expired on the UNIX system. This Userid is a LDAP userid. This userid cannot log in to the UNIX system but is able to log in to the DataStage Designer or Director.

Why this Issue Occurs :
The issue is due to the AUTHORIZATION variable being set to 0 in the uvconfig file.
Being set to 0 bypasses the password authorization code.

The AUTHORIZATION variable in the uvconfig file deals with whether the UNIX password is authorized.
Valid values are the following:
0 = the default value, password authorization is not done.
1 = password authorization is done.

When a client connects to the DataStage server (i.e. dsrpcd process in DataStage engine) with mapped OS credentials, the normal behavior for the DataStage engine would be to do password verification (i.e. check whether the mapped OS credentials matches with that of the UNIX user credentials).
Password verification is done for all the valid values of AUTHORIZATION.
When the AUTHORIZATION variable is set to 1, it specifically checks for the expired password.

Problem DiagnosisFind the steps for diagnosis this issue

1.Log in as the DataStage admin user (e.g. dsadm)
2.Go to the /../InformationServer/Server/DSEngine directory
3.Source the dsenv file (i.e. . ./dsenv)
4.From $DSHOME, run the command, bin/smat -t
5.Look for the setting called AUTHORIZATION and its value:

Solution Need to Apply to Fix The Issue
1. In $DSHOME, issue the command, bin/uv -admin -stop (this will stop the DataStage engine)
2. In $DSHOME, make a copy of the uvconfig file
3. Edit the uvconfig file and modify AUTHORIZATION to 1
4. Save the changes made to the uvconfig file
5. Issue the command, bin/uv regen
6. Issue the command, bin/uv -admin -start (to start the DataStage engine)

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