Datastage Jobs showing a status of "Queued"

Datastage Jobs showing a status of "Queued":DK®

This post will help you tt fix the datastage jobs"Queued" error. While trying to run jobs in the Datastage (9.1.x, 11.3.x) Director, they began to enter the Queued status, as if there is a limit of jobs that can run simultaneously. Why is this happening? How can we manage/fix this? What is the root cause of this issue?

Root Cause of the Issue:DK®

The Workload Management (WLM) was introduced in Information Server version 9.1 (Datastage 9.x). This tool provides the capability to manage and control the order and priority given to parallel and server jobs. (Low/Medium/High Priority of Jobs). Based on the priority, Jobs are running.DK®
First running the high priority of jobs then Medium and Low priority jobs are running in end.DK®


If you don’t want to use this facility then you can enable/disable this facility from backend. Find the below process DK®

DSODBConfig.cfg found in {DS ServerInstallDirectory}/InformationServer/Server/DSODB directory. Look for the following text (WLMON) and set the value to 0

i.e : Unix Commands to Update the File :DK®
cd {DS ServerInstallDirectory}/InformationServer/Server/DSODB
vi DSODBConfig.cfg

DataStage Workload Manager Configuration: DK®
The following enables workload management:
If set to ‘1’ Then (Enabled)
If set to ‘0’  Then (Disabled)


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