Login to Websphere without wasadmin password

Login to Websphere admin console without password:DK®

Questions : Forgot wasadmin password and cannot access WebSphere Application Server administrative console. Resetting wasadmin password when the browser console does not work with current passwords. This method is disables the WAS application security to disable the federated repositories.DK®

WARNING: Please use this as the last resort and make sure the server is not in the middle of processing any transactions.DK®

Go to your WAS-bin directory using a command prompt
Step 1) Navigate via command prompt to <wp_profile_root>/bin
cd {InstallDirectory}/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
Step 2) ./wsadmin.sh -conntype NONE
Step 3) wsadmin> securityoff
Step 4) wsadmin>$AdminConfig save
Step 5) wsadmin> exit

Restart WAS and you should be able to login without using any password.DK®

Solution: 2
Go to your WAS directory using a command prompt :
Step1) cd  {WebsphereHome}/AppServer/profiles/InfoSphere/config/cells/
#cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/InfoSphere/config/cells/
Step2)# ls -lrt  -> you will get one directory for respective host name. got t
Step3)# cd {ETLServerHostName}Node01Cell --> i.e #cd DEVTrainingSrvNode01Cell
Step4)# vi security.xml  -> Edit security.xml file. change the values "enabled=false" and save the file.

Restart WAS and you should be able to login to websphere admin console or command prompt without using any password.

cd /local/apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
./stopServer.sh server1 -username wasadmin
Then login with "root" user to start the services
cd /local/apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
./startServer.sh server1

Sometimes above mentioned method is not working then Stop/Start using Alternate method:DK®
This method don’t need wasadmin password to start/stop.
cd /etc/rc2.d
./S85ISFServer stop
./S85ISFServer start

Sometimes above mentioned methods are not working then find the websphere process id using below command.DK®
ps -ef | grep -i server1
kill the process id use kill -9 "processid"

Now you can login to websphere console "without password".DK®
Once all required setting completed on websphere then you can enable the
"Enable administrative security" from websphere console to enable the password.DK®

Refer below link as well:

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