Configuration does not contain the invoking node

Configuration does not contain the invoking node error :DK®
This post will help you to resolve the error "the configuration does not contain the invoking node" in DataStage.

Problem Details :DK®
Jobs compilation/execution failing with error :
"<main_program> Fatal Error: The configuration does not contain the invoking node <hostname>. "

Sometimes server administrator/developers copying the config files from one ETL server to another ETL server. Due to this fastname/server name is pointing to other server and you are using that config file in other server.

If the fastname within the DataStage configuration file is not the same as "uname -n" command output on the DataStage server, the job will fail with a warning:

Check this to find out the issue :DK®
Check the hostname of the DataStage server and verify if the fastname in the DataStage configuration file matches the output from the command "uname -n".

Log on to DataStage server using putty.
Run the command, "uname -n" -> This will give you server hostname. i.e “DEV-TRINING-SRV
On Unix / Linux, go to
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Configurations directory
Open the configuration file and check the hostname entry for the fastname.

Solution of this problem :DK®

1) Ensure that the fastname in the DataStage configuration file matches the output from the command "uname -n" from the DataStage server.
2) If the fastname in the DataStage configuration file does not match the output from the command, "uname -n", change the fastname in the configuration file to match the output from "uname -n" command.
3) Assuming the output for "uname -n" shows the short hostname rather than the fully qualified hostname, change the configuration file where the fastname is using the short hostname.
4) Change all the coniguration files exist on /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Configurations location.

Your all config files should contain these values :DK®

node "node1"
fastname "DEV-TRAINING-SRV" --> HostName/FastNameDK®
pools ""
resource disk "/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Datasets" {pools ""}
resource scratchdisk "/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Scratch"{pools ""}

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