Datastage ODBC Connection Problems - Part 2

Checking the shared library environment :DK®

Datastage ODBC Connection errors can be caused by incorrect environment settings. DK®

Parent TopicClick here to know ODBC connecttivity problems in datastage

Problem Details :DK®

Cannot connect to database using ODBC connection.This problem occurs when using ODBC connections in a UNIX/Linux  environment.

Identify the Root Cause of the problem:DK®

If you see a message similar to the following message: uvsh: fatal: libxxxx: can't open file: errno=2
check that the ODBC driver shared library has been added to the environment variable used to locate shared libraries

Solution of this problem:DK®

When the ODBC access is configured for DataStage, entries specifying the environment are added to the file $DSHOME/dsenv. Check the dsenv file to ensure that your environment is configured correctly.
The name of the shared library environment variable that you need to check depends upon the type of UNIX system. The required entry depends upon the type of database that you are attempting to connect to. The environment variables for the UNIX platforms are in the following table. Consult your database documentation for the location of the shared libraries.

Library path environment variables : DK®
PlatformEnvironment variable

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