Change wasadmin password:Disable global security

    Wasadmin password changing options or Open websphere without prompting the password : If you forgot the password for websphere console or not able to stop services tire due to wasadmin password change. then you can follow, below option to rest your password.DK®

You can disable security by modifying the security.xml file(s).DK®
If you are running the based edition of IBM WebSphere Application Server only:
You can Change wasadmin password
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin/./ -was -user -password
and restart the websphere services.

If this will not work then
There is only one security.xml file to change if you are running the base Application Server alone.
The security.xml file is located under  


Always store a copy of the security.xml file in a temporary directory before making any changes.
To disable security:
Open the security.xml file and search for the very first occurrence of enabled="true". This is located inside the tag.
Change enabled="true" to enabled="false", then save the file.
You must restart the server for the change to take effect.
Restart WebSphere using:
cd /etc/rc2.d

./S85ISFServer stop

./S85ISFServer start

If you are running a Deployment Manager
There are two security.xml files you need to change:
Always store a copy of the security.xml file in a temporary directory before making any changes.
Open each security.xml file and search for the very first occurrence of enabled="true". This is located inside the tag.
Change enabled="true" to enabled="false", then save the file.
You must restart the Deployment Manager, the nodegent and then the Application Servers, in that order.

If are receiving security errors when trying to stop the WebSphere processes, then you will need to manually stop the Java processes.

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