Teradata Connector Stage Properties in Details

Teradata Connector Stage Properties and Its Uses :

Properties specify how the Teradata connector operates in a job. The properties are different for source, target, and lookup contexts.
Information about connector properties is presented in alphabetical order for the connection and usage properties on the Properties tab.

  • Access method: DK®
    Use this property to specify the method for table access.
  • Account: DK®
    Use this property to specify the name of the user account ID for resource accounting.
  • After SQL: DK®
    Use this property to specify SQL statements to run once after all data is processed by the connector.
  • After SQL file: DK®
    Use this property to specify the name of a text file that contains SQL statements to run once after all data is processed by the connector. Include the path if the file is not in the project directory.
  • After SQL (node): DK®
    Use this property to specify SQL statements to run once on each node after all data is processed by the connector.
  • Allow duplicate rows: DK®
    Use this property to specify whether to allow duplicate rows in the table that is created.
  • Array size
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of rows to transfer in each read or write operation. (Max is 2000 for Best Performance) DK®
  • Automap character encoding
    Use this property to address certain specific cases, where different maps need to be used. DK®
  • Before/After SQL
    Use this property to specify whether to run SQL statements before or after data is processed by the connector. DK®
  • Before SQL
    Use this property to specify SQL statements to run once before any data is processed by the connector. DK®
  • Before SQL file
    Use this property to specify the name of a text file that contains SQL statements to run once before any data is processed by the connector. Include the path if the file is not in the project directory. DK®
  • Before SQL (node)
    Use this property to specify SQL statements to run once on each node before any data is processed by the connector. DK®
  • Buffer usage
    Use this property to specify whether requests share the same buffer or use separate buffers. DK®
  • Bulk access
    Use the properties in this group to specify information about bulk access of the Teradata database.
  • Case sensitive
    Use this property to specify whether or not text comparisons are case-sensitive.
  • Character set
    Use this property to specify the character set representation of an SQL text file. DK®
  • Checkpoint timeout
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of seconds that each instance waits for the other instances to reach the checkpoint.
  • Cleanup mode
    Use this property to specify whether to drop the error tables and the work table if a load ends with an error that cannot be restarted. ( Keep this Property as Clean) DK®
  • Client character set
    Use this property to specify the Teradata client character set for connections to the Teradata server. DK®
  • Columns
    Use this property to select the key column or key columns that contain large objects (LOBs) that are passed by using locator or reference information. DK®
  • Column delimiter
    Use this property to specify the delimiter that you want to use between column values in the log. DK®
  • Create statement
    Use this property to define a CREATE TABLE statement to create the target table. DK®
  • Create table options
    Use the properties in this group to specify information about a new table that you create. DK®
  • Data block size
    Use this property to specify the data block size of the table in bytes. DK®
  • Database
    Use this property to specify the name of the default database for the Teradata connection. DK®
  • Delete multiple rows
    Use this property to specify whether a delete task deletes multiple rows from a table.
  • Delete statement
    Use this property to define a DELETE statement to remove rows from the database.
  • Drop statement
    Use this property to define a DROP TABLE statement to drop the target table.
  • Duplicate insert rows
    Use this property to specify whether to reject or ignore duplicate rows if an INSERT statement fails due to a unique constraint violation.
  • Duplicate update rows
    Use this property to specify whether to reject or ignore duplicate rows if an UPDATE statement fails due to a unique constraint violation.
  • Enable LOB references
    Use the properties in this group to specify whether large object (LOB) columns in the Columns property are passed through the connector by using locator information. If the schema contains LOB columns and you set Enable LOB references to No, all LOB columns are passed inline. If you set Enable LOB references to Yes, only the specified columns are passed by reference. The remaining LOB columns are passed inline. DK®
  • Enable quoted identifiers
    Use this property to specify whether to enclose database object names in double quotation marks in the generated SQL.
  • End of data
    Use this property to specify whether to insert end-of-wave markers for the last set of records when there are fewer records than the number in the Record count property.
  • End of wave
    Use this property to specify settings for end-of-wave handling.
  • End row
    Use this property to specify the row number at which to stop the load operation.
  • End timeout
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of seconds that each instance waits for the other instances to finish processing.
  • Error control
    Use the properties in this group to specify error control information.
  • Error limit
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of rows that can be rejected to the first error table.
  • Error table 1
    Use this property to specify the name of the first error table for the bulk load.
  • Error table 2
    Use this property to specify the name of the second error table for the bulk load. DK®
  • Fail on error
    Use this property to specify whether to terminate the job or continue processing if the SQL statement in the parent property fails.
  • Fail on size mismatch
    Use this property to specify whether a job fails if the sizes of numeric and string fields do not match. The size comparison occurs when the connector compares the design schema with the schema that is returned by the SQL statement.
  • Fail on type mismatch
  • File
    Use this property to specify the name of a text file that contains the SQL statements to run for each input row. Include the path if the file is not in the project directory.
  • Free space percent
    Use this property to specify the percentage of free space that remains on a cylinder during load or update operations.
  • Generate create statement at runtime
    Use this property to specify whether the connector generates the CREATE TABLE statement at run time.
  • Generate drop statement at runtime
    Use this property to specify whether the connector generates the DROP TABLE statement at run time.
  • Generate SQL
    Use this property to specify whether the connector generates the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement at run time.
  • Generate truncate statement at runtime
    Use this property to specify whether the connector generates the DELETE statement at run time.
  • Generate UOWID
    Use this property to specify whether the connector generates the Unit of Work ID (UOWID) at run time.
  • Immediate access
    Use the properties in this group to specify information for the immediate access of the Teradata database.
  • Insert statement
    Use this property to define an INSERT statement to insert rows into the database.
  • Isolation level
    Use this property to specify the degree of isolation that an application process has from the concurrent application processes. By specifying whether to lock rows, you can control how transactions are committed.
  • Key column
    Use this property to specify the name of the column to use as the sort key.
  • Null order
    Use this property to specify where to place null values in the sort order.
  • Limit settings
    Use the properties in this group to specify information about the connection sessions when you fetch or write rows.
  • Load type
    Use this property to specify the type of bulk load to perform.
  • Logging
    Use the properties in this group to specify information about logging. The properties in this group are used to log the values that are in each column when a SQL statement fails to insert, update, or delete a row. Each node that fails to insert, update, or delete rows prints the first row that failed on that node.
  • Log column values on first row error
    Use this property to specify whether the connector logs column values for the first row that failed on each node.
  • Log key values only
    Use this property to specify whether the connector logs the values of all columns or only key columns.
  • Log table
    Use this property to specify the name of the restart log table for the bulk load.
  • Logon mechanism
    Use this property to set how the user logs in based on the user authentication.
  • Macro database
    Use this property to specify the name of the database that contains any macros that are created or used by a stream load.
  • Make duplicate copies
    Use this property to specify whether duplicate copy protection is enabled for the table that is created.
  • Max buffer size
    Use this property to specify the maximum size of the request and response buffers for each connection session.
  • Max partition sessions
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of connection sessions per partition when you fetch or write rows.
  • Max sessions
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of connection sessions when you fetch or write rows.
  • Maximum bytes per character
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of bytes per characters that is consumed by the specified parameters.
  • Min sessions
    Use this property to specify the minimum number of connection sessions to use when you fetch or write rows.
  • Missing delete rows
    Use this property to specify whether to reject or ignore missing rows if a DELETE statement fails to find a matching row.
  • Missing update rows
    Use this property to specify whether to reject or ignore missing rows if an UPDATE statement fails to find a matching row.
  • NLS Map Name
  • Pack size
    Use this property to specify the number of statements that a stream load puts into a multiple statement request.
  • Parallel synchronization
    Use this property to indicate whether to synchronize parallel reads or writes by using a synchronization table.
  • Password
    Use this property to specify the password that is associated with the user ID for the connection.
  • Primary index type
    Use this property to specify whether the primary index for the key columns must be unique.
  • Progress interval
    Use this property to specify the number of rows per partition to process before the connector displays a progress message.
  • Queryband expression
    Use this property to specify the queryband expression for the queryband property.
  • Record count
    Use this property to specify the number of records to process before the connector commits the current transaction.
  • Record ordering
    Use this property to specify how to process records across multiple links.
  • Request type
    Use this property to specify whether to separate user-defined SQL statements into individual requests or to use a multi-statement request.
  • Robust
    Use this property to specify whether a stream load uses robust restart logic.
  • Schema Reconciliation
    Use the properties in this group to specify how to reconcile differences between the design schema and the schema that is referenced or returned by the SQL statements.
  • Select statement
    Use this property to define a SELECT statement to read rows from the database.
  • Serialize
    Use this property to specify whether a stream load runs multiple statements serially for each row.
  • Server
    Use this property to specify the name of the Teradata Director Program ID (tdpid).
  • Server character set
    Use this property to specify the character set for any CHAR and VARCHAR columns in the table that is created.
  • Session
    Use the properties in this group to specify information about the session for read or write operations.
  • Sleep
    Use this property to specify the number of minutes to wait before the connector retries a logon operation when the Teradata server is at the maximum number of concurrent bulk operations.
  • Sort order
    Use this property to specify whether to sort values in ascending or descending order.
  • SQL
    Use the properties in this group to define the SQL statement that the connector uses to select, insert, update, or delete rows from the table.
  • Start mode
    Use this property to specify whether to drop the error tables before the load begins or to restart a cancelled load.
  • Start row
    Use this property to specify the row number at which to begin the load operation.
  • Statements
    Use this property to specify the user-defined SQL statements to run for each input row.
  • Stream load
    Use the properties in this group to specify information about stream loads.
  • Sync database
    Use this property to specify the default database for parallel synchronization. This database is on the server where the synchronization table resides.
  • Sync ID
    Use this property to specify the value that the connector enters in the SyncID column of the synchronization table.
  • Sync password
    Use this property to specify the password that is associated with the Sync user property.
  • Sync poll
    Use this property to specify the number of seconds to wait before each player rechecks that the synchronization table contains the proper state before processing continues.
  • Sync server
    Use this property to specify the name of the Teradata server where the synchronization table resides.
  • Sync table
    Use this property to specify the name of the Teradata table that synchronizes parallel reads or writes.
  • Sync table action
    Use this property to specify the action to perform on the synchronization table before any data is processed by the connector.
  • Sync table cleanup
    Use this property to specify the action to perform on the synchronization table after all data is processed by the connector.
  • Sync timeout
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of seconds to retry an update to the synchronization table.
  • Sync user
    Use this property to specify the name of the user ID to connect to the server where the synchronization table resides.
  • Sync table write mode
    Use this property to specify the mode to use when the connector writes to the synchronization table.
  • Table action
    Use this property to specify the action to perform on the table before rows are inserted.
  • Table free space
    Use this property to specify whether to generate the CREATE TABLE statement with or without a FREESPACE clause.
  • Table name
    Use this property to specify the name of the table for the SQL statement that the connector generates.
  • Tenacity
    Use this property to specify the maximum number of hours that the connector continues to try to log on when the Teradata server is at the maximum number of concurrent bulk operations.
  • TMSM event options
    Use this property to provide access to the sub-properties that define options for the Teradata Multi-System Manager (TMSM) events.
  • Transaction
    Use the properties in this group to tune parameters for transactional processing.
  • Transaction mode
    Use this property to specify the type of transaction semantics.
  • Truncate statement
    Use this property to define a DELETE statement to truncate the target table. Truncation is useful if you need to clear a table before you insert new data.
  • Unused field action
    Use this property to specify whether to silently drop input fields that are not referenced in the SQL statements or to cancel the job.
  • UOW class
    Use this property to specify the classification of the unit of work. The connector will set this value for the TMSM_UOWCLASS environment variable.
    Use this property to specify a user-defined unit of work ID. The connector will set this value for the TMSM_UOWID environment variable.
  • UOW source
    Use this property to specify the name of the system the data is sourced from. The connector will set this value for the TMSM_UOWSOURCE environment variable.
  • Update load
    Use the properties in this group to specify information about update loads.
  • Update statement
    Use this property to define an UPDATE statement to update rows in the database.
  • User-defined SQL
    Use this property to identify the source of the user-defined SQL statements to run for each input row.
  • User name
    Use this property to specify the name of the user ID for connections to the Teradata server.
  • Work table
    Use this property to specify the name of the work table.
  • Write mode
    Use this property to specify the mode to use when the connector writes to a table.

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