Derivation Substitution Logic in Transformer

Derivation Substitution logic in Transformer Stage:DK®

If we need to apply same derivation to 1000 or 2000 columns. No need to change it in every column. We have an option to it implement globally for the required columns by Derivation substitution option in the transformer stage.

Example 1: To apply a Trim function to the entire selected columns in the transformer.
Give Trim ($1) in expression window – here $1 is the value to be substituted.
Example 2: To apply a null handling to the entire selected columns in the transformer.
If IsNull($1) Then SetNull() Else $1  - here $1 is the value to be substituted.DK®

Step 1: Select the required columns you have to implement the logic.
Step 2: Right click -select the Derivation substitution option
Step 3: It will open the panel where you can specify the derivations
Step 4: prompts for overwriting with new derivation--> click YES TO ALL
Step 5: Derivation applied to the all the selected columns with message –No of columns updated.

Below are the Details of Changes :
Before Applying the Logic :

Select all the columns in transformer and Use following expression:
If IsNull($1) Then SetNull() Else $1
After Applying the Logic :

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