Unix File Permission in Details- chmod Calculator

Unix File Permission in Details - chmod Calculator:DK®
This post will give you complete details about Unix file permission. chmod calculator help you to find out the numbers to execute chmod commands.DK®  


Chmod stands for Change Mode and is a command often needed for installing scripts (CGI, PHP etc.) on a UNIX server, after uploading the file (with FTP) you may need to change the permissions. Basically it tells the server who can make what changes to the file or folder, i.e. can the script only read the info, or can it write information as into it as well.

Chmod Calculator:DK®

Some FTP programs give you something that looks like this to set chmod permissions.
This may help you try it out first and find out if you really are setting the right permissions.

chmod (File Permissions) helper
Permission Owner Group Other
Read (r = 4)
Write (w=2)
Execute (x=1)
Octal: =
Symbolic: =

What do the Chmod Settings Mean?DK®

Chmod tells the server the access privileges for a file. For example, common file settings are:
777: all can read(4) / write(2) / execute(1) the file.
755: owner can do all, group / others can read / execute.
644: owner can read / write, group / others can read only.

Common Chmod Settings:DK®

cgi scripts: 755
data files: 666
configuration files not updated by the script: 644
directories: 777

You “own” your files and directories
user-group-other read/write permissions
-rw-r--r--  1 DYADAV  dstage  164870 27 Feb 17:58 6.bmp
•-rw-r--r--   1 DYADAV  dstage  164870 27 Feb 17:57 5.bmp
•-rw-r--r--   1 DYADAV  dstage  164870 27 Feb 17:57 4.5.bmp
•-rw-r--r--   1 DYADAV  dstage 164870 27 Feb 17:57 4.bmp
chmod command changes permissions
 #chmod 604 6.bmp

  -rw----r--   1 DYADAV  dstage164870 27 Feb 17:58 6.bmp

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