Compile Datastage Job From Client Command Line

Compile the Datastage Jobs from Windows Client Machine/ Windows Command Prompt ..!!DK®

You can find the compilation command in C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic folder.DK®

dscc.exe - Compiling the Jobs.

cd C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic
./dscc.exe /H ABC123 /U dsadm /P dsadm TestProject /J TestDSJob
./dscc.exe /H hostname /U username /P password project_name /J jobname

Note: The job name can be * to compile all the jobs in the cannot use this command to compile a single job.DK® 

The dscc command takes the following arguments: DK®
Find the details below
  • /H hostname specify the InfoSphere DataStage server where the job or jobs reside.
  • /U username the username to use when attaching to the project.
  • /P password the password to use when attaching to the project.
  • project_name the project which the job or jobs belong to.
  • /J jobname |* | category_name\* specifies the jobs to be compiled. Use jobname to specify a single job, * to compile all jobs in the project and category_name\* to compile all jobs in that category (this will not include categories within that category). You can specify job sequences as well as parallel or server jobs.
  • /R routinename | * | category_name\* specifies routines to be compiled. Use routinename to specify a single routine, * to compile all routines in the project andcategory_name\* to compile all routines in that category (this will not include categories within that category).
  • /F force compile (for parallel jobs).
  • /OUC only compile uncompiled jobs.
  • /RD reportname specify a name and destination for a compilation report. Specify DESKTOP\filename to write it to your desktop or .\filename to write it to the current working directory.
The options are not case sensitive....!!DK®

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