Datastage 8x Engine/Tiers Start and Stop Process

Datastage 8x Engine/Tiers Start and Stop Process

To stop the InfoSphere Datastage : We have to stop 3 Tier’s:
  1. DS Engine
  2. Services
  3. Metadata
 1). Logon as dsadm => For Stopping Tier-1 (DSEngine)
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/bin/uv -admin -stop
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin/ stop 
All these three commands

2). Logon as wassrvr => For Stopping Tier-2 (Services)
su – wassrvr
/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/InfoSphere/bin/ server1
Or /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/default/bin/ server1

3). Logon as root => For Stopping Tier-3 (Metadata)
su - db2inst1 -c "db2 force applications all"
su - dasusr1 -c "db2admin stop"
su - db2inst1 -c "db2stop"

After that you have to check => Server is stopped correctly or not ?
netstat –na | grep tcp
netstat –na | grep 9080
netstat -a | grep dsrpc-> for the instance you want to shut down, expect the server instance is listening, and no established connection, nor FIN-WAIT nor CLOSE-WAIT connection
ps -ef | grep dsrpcd-> expect the instance you want to shut down returned
ps -ef | grep dscs -> for the instance you want to shut down, expect no returned
ps -ef | grep slave-> for the instance you want to shut down, expect no returned
ps -ef | grep phantom-> for the instance you want to shut down, expect no returned
ps -ef | grep osh   -> for the instance you want to shut down, expect no returned
ps –ef | grep server1 -> To check wasserver processes.
ps –ef | grep wassrvr -> To check wasserver processes.
ps –ef | grep dsapi ->

To start the InfoSphere Datastage:

Logon as root => To Start the Metadata Tier (DB2 server on 090 server)
su - dasusr1 -c "db2admin start"
su - db2inst1 -c "db2start" 

Logon as Wassrvr  => To Start the Services Tier  

/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/InfoSphere/bin/ server1

Logon as dsadm => To Start The DSEngine Tier
/opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin/ start
netstat –na | grep 31531

Wait the port 31531 be listening

/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/bin/uv -admin –start

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